Sunday, 11 April 2010

Here comes the summer!

I am currently glued to the TV following Lee Westwood's progress in the Masters in Augusta - don't the azelias look lovely?!  This week has also seen the start of the great British summer - three days of sunshine and that will be the end of it!  The end of Master Chef as well - can't say I'm a big fan of the show- those two judges get on my toot and the voice of the woman that does the commentary is enough to send anyone scuttling for the knife draw!  I'm still waiting for "Out of the Frying Pan" to be shown - coming to your TV screens soon I am led to believe!
This week's culinary delights have included 2 roast dinners - chicken and beef - various children were coming and going so we decided to appease all their appetites to just have roast dinners on consecutive days - not great for the waistline!  The melon sorbet that I made on Sunday was very light and cleansed the palate wonderfully - and there's still some left so I might drag it out again this week! Another Thai chicken curry  was enjoyed on Wednesday before Alice went back to university and  teryaki salmon with a warm potato and spinnach salad for Sue and I on Thursday. Friday was pastie and lobby day - Lidls was raided early so by lunch time the pasties and the lobby were ready to eat! What a great shop Lidls is!  I love browsing through their weeky special offers and I nearly bought some solar powered lights and a hosepipe attachment -  don't have any use for them - but they did look tempting!
With the good weather I have been able to manage a few rounds of golf this week with varying degrees of success and not too many failures - unusual for me!  If the weather holds I may get the bike out again and cycle over to Halfords in Bridgend to see what's happened to my application - I think they've lost it and not told me!

And finally - this week heralded the first anniversary of my redundancy - it's been a time for quiet reflection, deliberation but above all - celebration! Please be upstanding and raise your fingers glasses - To Dingly Dell and HR cockups!  Cheers!  Retirement rocks!


  1. Glad celebration ruling the anniversary!

  2. Out of the Frying pan BBC2 9pm monday.


  3. Thanks Dave - I must remember to check the TV listings before I write the blog! How are the llamas?

  4. Female sold so adding llama dealer to my cv! Male doing great job protecting the lambs from the foxes. Almost through lambing now.


Letters from the Greek Islands -Part 2 - Crete

  The series of e mail exchanges continues with my good friend and  H & S travel guru - not for the faint hearted and does contain adul...